Sunday, June 16, 2013

Knitters in the making

It's been a whirlwind of a spring around here. Lots of camping, a fiber festival, not to mention testing at school and finishing up the school year. I can't believe summer is upon us already - although I'm very grateful for the break from school. I'll be spending lots of time with family this summer, and will post pics of our long road trip along the way

Today though I wanted to be sure to share some pictures of my knitters in the making. My 5 year old FINALLY decided she wants to learn how to knit. I bought her Annie and the Swiss Cheese scarf (which is a fabulous book and you should all buy it right now!) along with some pink yarn and beautiful needles for her birthday on January first. It took her a few months, but now she loves "to yarn". She especially likes to work a row of her knitting when I read to her before bed and to bring her knitting with her in the car. Although, she says she doesn't work on it while the car is moving because it's too dangerous.

Her knitting is beautiful for a beginner. Nice and even. It has inspired her older sister (10) to pick up her needles again and start knitting, trying especially hard to keep it as beautiful and even as her little sister's knitting.

I love my girls. (for the record, I love the boy too.)

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